1 - Using the National Archives, a website run by the federal government, and containing a plethora of information, I researched the influenza virus of 1918. I discovered that the virus killed more Americans than WW1. It cause widespread panic and shut down many institutions, although mail was still delivered.
What I find useful about the National Archives is that it uses primary resources. As a future educator, I believe that primary resources are important for the classroom because it is neutral information. Primary resources allows students to make up their own opinions about subjects, and in doing so will help them become critical thinkers which in turn will help them fight for social justice.
2 – As a future educator I believe that communicating with my students is imperative. I plan on staying in San Diego, and I am aware of the large Spanish speaking population and understand how difficult that could be. To help remedy this situation, I plan on taking Spanish classes and becoming fluent in the language so that I may be a more effective teacher.
Having gays and lesbians in my family makes me keenly aware of the problems they can face. Many feel ostrisiced and are often ridiculed for just being who they are. I would like to help create or facilitate GLBT clubs on campus so they can have a place where they always feel welcome.
I believe that education is for everyone, even teachers (especially teachers). I would love to hold meeting with teachers and gather and organize resource material which would make us more culturally competent. I feel doing this would benefit the teaching staff, but more importantly make classes geared towards everyone’s cultural identity.
3- I took an online survey to see where I ranked when it comes to being a cyberbully. I scored a 6, which means that I am "cyber risky" for being a bully. I had a problem with how they did the ranking however, because I do not consider using bad language or posting pics of my friend on our surf trip to El Salvador cyberbullying. Without those I would have scored a 0, which would make me a cyber saint. That being said, I found the website useful and I learned that cyberbullying is a bigger problem for our students than I had previously thought.
4 – From the days when technology consisted of chalkboards and VCR’s, technology in the classroom has vastly changed. By going to Wikipedia a student can obtain vast more information than a set of encyclopedias. I went to a website called “Kathy Schrock’s Guide for Educators”, an online website dedicated to providing educators with different technologies, articles, and research ideas in the classroom. I explored two areas on her site, one titled “Any day in history”, and the other titled “Make your own rubrics”. In doing so I came up with the idea of having my students research interesting facts that happened on their birthdays in the “Any day in history” area. I was surprised to find that I share the same birthday as George W. Bush and Nancy Reagan. I also like the idea of making my rubrics because I feel that I could be more creative in my lessons. Knowing how to use these types of resources would be very beneficial in my personal pedagogy and help students further their education.
Question 5 –
Verbal Linguistic – 75%
Logical Mathematical – 75%
Inter/Intra personal – 69%
I viewed the movie “Multiple Intelligences Thrive in Smartville”. Most of us already realize that are more than one type of intelligence, but by watching the movie I learned that the traditional paradigm of intelligence needs to be challenged and changed to better meet the needs of our students.
Grade – 9-12
Subject – Social Studies
Topic – Si Se Puede
Using a tolerance website dedicated to social justice, I read an article concerning itself with a nationwide walkout which occurred in response to H.R. 4437, an anti immigrant bill. Tens of thousands of students walked out of classrooms as a protest. This presented me with an interesting question, how would I react to students walking out of my class to protest something that I agreed with. While I would not condone their actions, I would try to turn it into a teachable moment. I would try to gear that week’s curriculum to coincide with the current events which my students were involved and passionate about.
7- Using a website dedicated to multiculturalism, I took an online survey which was astounding. Two of the things that I found most interesting were that the 3 richest people in the world are equal to the 48 poorest countries as far as wealth in concerned. That is staggering. Also I learned that the US spends 7 times more money on the military than China. As a future educator, I feel it is important to be aware of the structural inequalies that may be faced by my students.
8-Proper etiquette is essential in maintaining a constructive classroom environment, weather that be on the playgrounds or in a computer lab. Perhaps especially in a computer lab because going online takes the human to human element away and makes improper etiquette easier to happen. It’s much easier to make someone feel sad online than it is in person ☹ Knowing and teaching proper netiquette will enable me to have a better classroom environment and further the education of my students ☺.