Thursday, April 29, 2010

Wiki Page NETS - 5,4 and 2

I familiarized myself with and contributed to a wiki.  A wiki is a website that allows the easy creation and editing of any number of interlinked webpages and typically concerns itself with a specific subject matter.  


Newsletter NETS - 1

Using microsoft word, I created an appealing, newsworthy and interesting newsletter for students and parents with information about my future classroom.      NewsletterGoodFT4blog

iMovie PSA

Monday, April 5, 2010

Journal #9

Journal 9 - Playing with Skype

Weller, T.J. (2010). Playing with Skype. ISTE, 37. Retrieved from

In this article, Travis J. Weller discusses his experience using Skype. Skype is a type of application that allows real time face-to-face interactions (sort of like the Jetsons’ watches). Using Skype, Weller connected his students to two prominent musicians. Essentially taking the students on a virtual field trip. What I thought was interesting about this article was how new this technology is, because Weller writes “10 years ago (it) would have taken a satellite and a television… now (it) can be accomplished using two laptops and a couple of webcams”.

Do you see any problems with using Skype?

The only problem I could see is if it doesn’t work. You may be the most tech savvy person in the world but if the user on the other side doesn’t know how to set up Skype you are out of luck. I would always have another lesson plan in case I couldn’t connect. I would not want to rely to heavily on technology until it has been tested and proven. My nephew and sister in law are in Japan, I talk to them on Skype, but the connection isn’t always that great.

Would you use Skype in the classroom”

Yes. Skype is a great mean of incorporating technology into the classroom and allowing students to visit people, places, things, and events that they otherwise would be unable to. Before I introduced a new technology, I would ask my self, “Is this going to enhance my students’ education and give them a better learning experience?” Skype allows students to go on virtual field trips and the answer to my question would be yes, it does enhance the learning experience and enhances their education.

Journal #8

Journal #8 Navigate the Digital Rapids

Lindsay, J., & Davis, V. (2010). Navigate the digital rapids. ISTE, 37. Retrieved from

This article concerned itself with teaching digital citizenship and responsibility. While often times students may have digital literacy, they need to be taught digital citizenship. She had two analogies that I thought were interesting. She compared the Internet to driving a car. To have a car you have to have a license and be trained. The authors argue that the Internet is similar and that our students should be trained in how to appropriately use it. The authors also compare it to white water rafting and how you navigate through the rapids.
I didn’t like this article. I’m always wary when articles discuss generic terms like “appropriate” or “inappropriate”. This article did that a lot. Some of the things I didn’t like in the article was when it talked about “make sure students don't cross the line”, “offensive material”, and “deliberately or maliciously sets out to be offensive”.

What is an “avatar”?

In this article it reads “All students and teachers should conduct themselves in a professional and culturally sensitive manner. This includes the types of avatars they choose…” I thought avatars had something to do with the newest 3D movie, but that just doesn’t make sense. After searching online, I think an avatar is a virtual representation of someone. Like when you play a video game, the representation of you in the game is an avatar.

The article says, “The role of the teacher is to gather, lead by example, and make sure students don't cross the line.” Where is the line?

That’s a very tough question, and I’m not sure that there is “a line”. I think as a teacher I would use the rules, regulations and guidelines that are created by the school to decide what is appropriate. For example, going to the KKK’s website may be inappropriate, but the organization was an integral part of American society at one time, and may be appropriate for a history report. So, I’m not convinced that there is a “line”.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Journal #7

Journal # 7 - The Beginner’s Guide to Interactive Virtual Field Trips

Zanetis, J. (2010). The Beginner's guide to interactive virtual field trips. ISTE, 37. Retrieved from

Jan Zanetis, the author of this article, argues that virtual field trips (VFTs) offer a unique way of exploring the world. There are two types of VFTs that she discusses. The first is asynchronous VFTs which are not delivered in real time, essentially it’s a website set up for classrooms. The other, which I thought are more interesting interactive VFTs. These are conducted in real time, allowing for face-face interactions. She says that 30% of schools already have this technology available. VFTs allow students to go places they otherwise wouldn’t think about. I found a typo!!! She writes “Unfortunately, the most desirable trips—those to far-away…”, when it should be “too” not “to”.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of using VFTs?

VFTs offer students an insight into places, things, and events that they may otherwise not be privy to. Even for local field trips, travel prices have risen, so you can save monetarily. Although, Zanetis does not mention it, you don’t have liability issues for VFTs. The disadvantage is that you don’t get the 100% human touch with VFTs, until VFTs are like the holodeck on the USS enterprise, they won’t be as good as the real thing.

Would you use VFTs in your classroom?

Of course. They sound like a great way of incorporating technology to make a more constructive learning environment. In a lot of ways VFTs have been around for a long time. A book, in a sense, is a VFT. Only the VFTs that the author is discussing are coming closer to the holodeck.